Historisk arkiv

Deputy Minister Liv Monica Stubholt visited Washington D.C. 3 – 6 March

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet

Deputy Minister Liv Monica Stubholt headed the official Norwegian delegation to Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) last week. The conference gathers top-level political leaders as well as business reperesentatives and NGOs to discuss how to enhance the use of renewable energy in the world. This is the largest conference on renewable energy ever to be held in the US.

Deputy Minister Liv Monica Stubholt headed the official Norwegian delegation to Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) last week. The conference gathers top-level political leaders as well as business reperesentatives and NGOs to discuss how to enhance the use of renewable energy in the world. This is the largest conference on renewable energy ever to be held in the US.

Stubholt at WIREC

Ms. Stubholt will in particular emphasise Norway’s role as a world leader in developing climate-friendly renewable energy sources. Besides being the world’s 6th largest hydropower producer, which accounts for a unique share of 99 per cent electricity produced by renewable energy, she will also highlight Norway’s role as a world leader in new innovative technologies such as offshore wind power and osmotic power (salinity power).

In addition to WIREC, Ms. Stubholt will meet with various US Ministries and think-tanks, where the focus will be on Norway’s efforts to be an environmentally sound and climate friendly petroleum energy producer. In addition, the current work of the Government on Carbon Capture and Storage will be high on the agenda.

Mrs. Stubholt's speeches held at the conference are available in the right column.