Historisk arkiv

Speech at the Official Opening of the NorNed Cable

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet

In Feda, Kvinesdal

The NorNed Cable

Dear Minister, Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to attend the official opening of the long-awaited NorNed cable. This opening is an important and joyous event, and I am proud to present the longest subsea electricity cable in the world. I am pleased to be able to speak directly with my colleague Ms. van der Hoeven, and to reach the people in Eemshaven as well as Raustad. I would like thank the organizing committee for the effort they have put into making this celebration a success.


The Norwegian power system is dominated by hydropower, which is a practically 100 % clean and renewable energy form. It is also highly flexible and the production can be quickly regulated to fulfil the need of the power systems in the Netherlands and the other countries we are connected with. The Dutch power system is mainly composed of thermal power. Connecting the two different power systems will facilitate efficient and flexible energy exchange between our countries. My first priority is to be part of constructing the bridge from the fossil fuel society to the renewable society. We will be able to deliver considerable amounts of environmentally friendly and adjustable hydropower power to Europe, which can successfully be used in combination with for example wind power. 


The power exchange between Norway and the Netherlands will also strengthen the security of energy supply in both countries. Security of supply is an important goal for the Norwegian government, and we consider transmission facilities as part of national critical infrastructure. I see the NorNed cable as an important contribution in this regard.For instance, dependency on hydropower makes Norway vulnerable to weather conditions and variations of inflows to water storages.  Unfortunately, in the last couple of years, we have experienced this vulnerability on a number of occasions. 


In the EU there is an on-going process towards the development of an internal European electricity market. We strongly support this development and would like to emphasise the importance of an efficient trade system in electricity markets. Efficient cross-border trade between the regions is important on the way towards a well-functioning European electricity market. I believe in close co-operation between the Central Western Europe region and the Nordic region in the time ahead. The NorNed project is in my view, an important step to achieve a closer integration of the two regions.  I hope the NorNed cable will continue to bring positive results to our two countries in the future.


And now, let us all contribute in making this celebration a successful event.

Thank you for your attention!