Historisk arkiv

Third generation mobile communications system — four companies interested in licence

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet

Four companies are interested in competing for the vacant license to build and operate a third generation public mobile communication system (3G) in Norway.


Nr.: 70/06
Dato: 24.08.06

Third generation mobile communications system – four companies interested in licence

Four companies are interested in competing for the vacant license to build and operate a third generation public mobile communication system (3G) in Norway.

The companies are:
Hello Norway AS (before known as Novotel AS), Teletopia Mobile Communications AS (a company in the MTU-Group) and Automobil Invest AS (owned by Network Norway AS). In addition a fourth company has registered their interest, but the company does not want their name published yet.

- I am pleased that several companies have shown interest in building and operating a new 3G-network in Norway. More mobile operators can provide better and lower priced services and increased coverage throughout the country, says Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications, Liv Signe Navarsete.

Four licenses for building and operating a third generation public mobile communication system (3G) in Norway was first announced in 2000. Telenor and NetCom was assigned licenses in 2000, while Hi3G Access Norway AS was assigned a licence after a new announcement in 2003. The fourth 3G-license has been available since 2002.

Novotel AS applied for the fourth license in November 2005. In order to give all interested parties the opportunity to compete for the available frequencies the Ministry of Transport and Communications announced the new licence on July 5th 2006.

The fourth 3G-licence will be assigned by auction. Information concerning the auction will be released in due course. The Ministry of Transport and Communications expect the auction to be held in September/October this year.

More information:

Assignment of a spectrum license of 3G mobile system in Norway (pdf 23 kB)

Press release 05 July 2006: New licence for third generation mobile communications system