Historisk arkiv

Stoltenberg wants more women in oil industry

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

“I challenge all companies in the petroleum and energy sector to increase the representation of women at all levels in their organizations.” Prime Minister Stoltenberg said at the opening of the Northern Offshore Seas conference in Stavanger today.


Nr.: 106-06
Dato: 22-08-06

Stoltenberg wants more women in oil industry

“Today, I challenge all companies in the petroleum and energy sector to redouble their commitment to gender balance and to increase the representation of women at all levels in their organizations, especially at the management and board level. It is a matter of democracy and of making use of competence and resources,” Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said at the opening of the Northern Offshore Seas conference in Stavanger today.

The Prime Minister also spoke on the challenges of reducing emissions in a time where energy consumption is on the increase, particularly in developing countries.

“Our generations face the poverty challenge and the energy-climate challenge.

We need to lift billions out of poverty and reach the Millennium Development Goals.

We need to meet globally increasing energy needs, as new billions pursue their rightful aspirations for better lives. And while we do this, we must reduce greenhouse emissions. This requires human ingenuity and persistence on an unprecedented scale,” said Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's speech at the Offshore Northern Seas conference