Historisk arkiv

Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg

Tale til Scandinavian Renewable Energy Forum

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Lillestrøm, 1. oktober 2008

- De siste tre årene har regjeringen doblet investeringene i fornybar energi. Neste år vil vi doble kapitalen i Grunnfondet for fornybar energi og energieffektivisering fra 10 til 20 milliarder kroner", sa statsminister Jens Stoltenberg på Scandinavian Renewable Energy Forum, på Lillestrøm i dag.

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, let me congratulate you on this first Scandinavian Renewable Energy Forum.

The issues you are addressing at this forum are among the core challenges of our time.  So I hope this will be an annual happening, a meeting place for the industry, for the market actors, and for the scientific experts on renewable energy.

The world is facing a serious energy dilemma.

Increased use of fossil energy is the main reason why global greenhouse gas emissions have increased so much over the last decades.

On the other hand, increased energy use is also one of the main reasons why global welfare has increased so much.


The increase of global energy use has helped bring hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. We want this development to continue. But it has also led to a massive increase of global C02 emissions. We cannot and will not allow that development to continue.

In the decades to come we will have to resolve our energy dilemma. We will need to decrease the global emissions of greenhouse gases by more than 50%, and to increase the global supply of energy by more than 50%.

How do we fulfil this great, common task?

The short answer is: by a whole range of different measures. By stopping deforestation, by developing new technologies, by making our economies more energy efficient, and by investing in renewable energy.

Renewable energy represents a great potential for reducing global greenhouse gas  emissions. It may account for about 20% of the global reductions that we must achieve by 2050. This means that you, who are present here today, have a key role to play in resolving our global dilemma.

Now, the next question is: How do we realise this potential?  How do we spur investments in renewable energy? An important part of the answer to that question is: by putting an international price on carbon.

Once C02 emissions have a price, investments in renewable energy will become more profitable. As will investments in energy efficiency, and in research and development of new technology.

I am certain that a clear and long-term international price signal will have a strong impact on global investments. I hope therefore that a clear signal on international carbon pricing will be sent from the climate conference in Copenhagen next year.

If that happens, the future for investments in renewable energy will look bright.

Ladies and gentlemen,
What can Norway do on its own? First of all, we must bear in mind that Norway is already a considerable producer of renewable energy.  We are the world’s 6th largest producer of hydropower.

60 per cent of Norway’s total energy consumption is based on renewable energy. That is far higher than any other European country, except Iceland. The European average is 8.5 per cent.

Nevertheless, my Government gives high priority to promoting new investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. 

We have established a target of increasing the production of renewable energy and energy efficiency by 30 terawatt hours by 2016. We have already achieved an increase of 10 terawatt hours.

Over the last three years my Government has doubled the funding for investments in this area. We will continue along this path, ensuring that Norway remains among the top international producers of renewable energy.

Next year we will double the capital in the energy fund from 10 billions kroner to 20 billions.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Finding the balance between the necessary increase in energy supply and the necessary decrease in C02 emissions, will be difficult. It will take substantial and sustained efforts from all of us, policy makers, scientists and the private sector.

I would like to stress that the work you are doing is vital for solving this common task.

This is why the Scandinavian Renewable Energy Forum is an important event.

Thank you.