Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Investing in our Common Future: Healthy Women, Healthy Children

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

UN General Assembly, New York

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Let me start by commending Prime Minister Brown and President Zoellick for their excellent leadership of this important Task Force.

I am proud to share the stage with so many distinguished and dedicated global leaders who have put maternal and newborn health at the top of the international agenda.

Our joint efforts have made a difference.

We are making progress.

We are already getting more health for the money.

In India, women are receiving financial support for travelling to clinics and receiving care.

This has led to a ten-fold increase in the number of children born in clinics – from half a million to five million – in only two years.

By giving women a few dollars to deliver in a clinic we are giving them access to health services and empowering them through one, single, simple measure.


In Rwanda, President Kagame has introduced financial incentives for local communities to increase the number of people they reach with health services.

As a result, child mortality has been reduced by 30%.


But we are still far from reaching these UN Millennium Development Goals.

We need to raise more money for health to finance lifesaving care.


Norway’s commitment is firm.

This year we will exceed our target of 1% of the GNI to development aid.


Secondly, we will join the UK, Australia and others in supporting the International Financing Facility with a contribution of 250 million US dollars.


And, thirdly, we will provide 250 million dollars for results-based funding through the World Bank Trust Fund.

These contributions will promote concerted international action and accelerate progress towards the UN Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5.

Thank you.