Historisk arkiv

Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg

Speech at Official Ceremony at Los Pinos

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Mexico City, 9 April 2010

Check against delivery.

Señor Presidente, Señora Zavala,
Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,

On this very day in 1912, the Noruega set sail from Oslo, the capital of Norway, to Veracruz here in Mexico.

The Noruega was one of the four vessels of the Norway-Mexico Gulf Line that shipped cargo and passengers between Norway and the New World in the early twentieth century.

The Norway-Mexico Gulf Line created a bond between our two countries at a time when both our nations were still young.

The Norway-Mexico Line illustrates how the ocean, rather than keeping us apart, has linked Norway and Mexico together.

In fact Norwegians owe our lives to Mexico and the Gulf Stream.

Without the Gulf Stream,  

Without the warm water that Mexico lavishes, on our cold coast,

life would be impossible at our latitudes.


The ocean has been generous to both Norway and Mexico.

In the past thirty years petroleum from below the seabed has surpassed traditional trades like fishing and shipping, as our most important source of income.

And the petroleum industry has become the most important area of cooperation between our two countries.


Today, another issue is at the top of our bilateral agenda.

On top of the international agenda.

An issue directly related to the state of the oceans,

Indeed, to our way of life.

Climate change.

President Calderón,

I have already had the pleasure of discussing climate change with you on a number of occasions.

I commend you for providing true leadership as the host of the next UN conference on climate change at the end of the year.

I can assure you that Norway will support Mexico as we seek ways of committing the world to fight climate change.

And I am pleased to say that Norway and Mexico see eye to eye on this issue, and on many of the other global challenges we are facing today.

President Calderón, ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to visit Mexico this year, when you are celebrating both the bicentenary of independence, and the centenary of the Mexican Revolution.

These events changed the course of your history and laid the foundations of modern Mexico.

I congratulate Mexico on the double anniversary.  

Norway and Mexico have enjoyed more than one hundred years of diplomatic relations.

When Norway gained its independence in 1905, Mexico was one of the first countries outside Europe with which we exchanged ambassadors.

Our relations have remained stable and friendly ever since.

My wife Ingrid and I greatly enjoy this opportunity to visit Mexico.

A fascinating country. With a unique culture. And a rich history.

Under your leadership, Mr President, Mexico has made great economic strides.

Your results are truly impressive.

I am proud of the political partnership we have developed.

I hope that my visit will create opportunities for closer cooperation between our two countries in many fields.

I look forward to even closer ties between our two countries in the next hundred years.    

Muchas gracias.