Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Open Government Partnership

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

New York, 20 September 2011

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's speech at the launch of the Open Government Partnership.

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President Rousseff and President Obama, thank you for chairing this launch of the Open Government Partnership.

Openness is about accountability.

Opennes is about participation.

And it is about how people can take part in and influence decisions in their societies.

Openness is fundamentally about democracy and democratic processes based on transparency and information sharing.

These are the very values that should govern our societies.


However, this is not the case in many countries today.

People are prevented from participating in decision-making processes.

Access to information is limited.  

Corruption and mismanagement are widespread.


I commend President Obama for taking this initiative.

To bring together partner countries in an effort to share experiences and best practices.

To promote good governance in our countries.


Different countries have different experiences.

Let me share a few of ours.

The Norwegian system is based on extensive co-operation between government and civil society.

With employer and labour organisations.

With non-governmental organisations.

And interest groups.

In decision making processes and in implementing government policies. 

Let me share a few of our experiences: 

We have a long standing tradition of budget transparency. All relevant documents are publicly available, in print an online.

Major decisions taken by government and enacted by parliament are first considered by public committees, with expert and civil society participation.

Proposals are subject to general, public review, and comments are public, by law.


Norway’s sovereign wealth fund is governed by a set of strict ethical guidelines and subject to a high degree of transparency.

This is important for the Fund’s legitimacy.

It contributes to well functioning markets.

And corporate social responsibility.


As a major oil and gas producing country, Norway is an active partner of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).


EITI is based on transparency from all extractive industries.

Through the Oil for Development Program Norway is involved in more than 20 countries assisting in the establishment of transparent natural resource management.  


In our experience:

Open, responsive and accountable government makes for more effective government.

Transparency about budgets, expenditure and the economy contributes to better economic performance.

The full participation of all citizens, men and women, allows us to draw on the full pool of national talent.   

Norway will seek to follow up three areas in particular, as we together move the Open Government Partnership forward:

-          Improving access and facilitating democratic participation in government

-          Revenue transparency and financial integrity

-          Strengthening the role of women, in government, the economy and public life


President Rouseff, President Obama, we look forward to work with you and partner countries.

To share experiences.

Best practices.

On how to improve our societies based on openness, participation and democracy.


Thank you.