Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Speech at the Shetland Bus Memorial

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Shetlanders and
Dear friends

It is an honour for me to be
here in the heart of Scalloway,

a place that has meant so
much for so many Norwegians.

That played such an
important part in the
Norwegians resistance
during World War II,

Most of those who escaped
from Norway by boat,
ended up here in Shetland.

And, many joined the fight against
the occupation forces.

Bringing refugees to
freedom in Shetland,

and taking resistance
fighters, weapons and
equipment back to Norway.

An operation to be known
as the Shetland Bus.

Those taking part were
warmly embraced.

First at Lunna and then here in Scalloway.

Throughout the war the
Shetland bus remained a
lifeline between occupied
Norway and the free

This part of our history
will not be forgotten.

I would like to acknowledge
Sverre Syversen, Ole Bowitz Olsen
and Jacob Strandheim.

You all took part in the
Shetland Bus and naval

We appreciate and admire
your brave efforts during
the war

It is a great privilege to
have so many relatives
of those who took part of
the operation present
here today.

Today I also pay tribute to
one of the great heroes of
this operation.

Leif Larsen - known as

Some 300 Norwegian took
part in the Shetland Bus operation.

44 of them lost their lives.

You, the people of
Shetland played a crucial
role in the fight for freedom.

You pay our deepest respect
to those who perished,

and to all those who served
and survived.

Thank you.