Historisk arkiv

International Development Minister to visit Nepal

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Minister will discuss Norway’s support to Nepal and how the international community can best cooperate with Nepal in connection with its democratisation process. (28.04.06)

Press release

No.: 54/06
Date: 28.04.06

International Development Minister to visit Nepal

Erik Solheim, Minister of International Development, is to visit Nepal from 2 to 5 May.The purpose of the visit is to discuss Norway’s support to Nepal and how the international community can best cooperate with Nepal in connection with its democratisation process.

“Nepal is facing major political, economic and social challenges. Norway wants to help resolve these in consultation with the new Government, the political parties and civil society,” says Mr Solheim. “We hope these efforts will also help to pave the way for negotiations with the Maoists and resolution of the armed conflict.”

During his visit, Mr Solheim will have talks with the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and leaders and other representatives of several political parties. The programme will also include a visit to a Norwegian-supported development project.

Press contact: Assistant Director General May Elin Stener, mobile phone: +47 95 86 47 01