Historisk arkiv

World Bank

The Ministry hosted a conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

On 28 and 29 November Mr Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of International Development hosted a two-day conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality in the International Finance Institutions.The first day of the conference was open to civil society and included a high-level panel debate.

On 28 and 29 November Mr Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of International Development hosted a two-day conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality in the International Finance Institutions.The first day of the conference was open to civil society and included a high-level panel debate. The term ownership was at the core of the discussion. The moderator of the conference concluded the first day by stating that we do not yet see a consensus on the issue of conditionality, that further research is needed, that civil society needs to stay involved and that also bilateral donors must assume responsibility.

On 28 and 29 November Mr Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of International Development hosted a two-day conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality in the International Finance Institutions. The first day of the conference was open to civil society and included a high-level panel debate. Mr Solheim’s opening speech was followed by an introduction by Vice-president Jim Adams from the World Bank. Regrettably, IMF had to cancel their participation at the last minute.

Charles Abugre from Christian Aid UK, representing civil society, introduced the critical view of the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWI).

Ms Benedicte Bull, University of Oslo, presented a recent study on “The World Bank’s and the IMF’s use of Conditionality to Encourage Privatisation and Liberalisation”, conducted by herself, Alf Morten Jerve (Chr. Michelsens Institute) and Erlend Sigvaldsen (Nordic Consulting Group).

Mr Gerald Ssendaula, Minister of Finance, Uganda 1998-2005 represented the lending countries in the panel. Mr Gareth Thomas, Under Secretary of State, DfID held a short introduction in the afternoon session and participated in the ensuing debate.

Mr Atle Leikvoll, Deputy Secretary General, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was moderator of the conference. He referred to conditionality as the “real terms attributed to the transaction of financial funds” and asked the panellist to elaborate on the critical factors for establishing natural ownership. The term ownership was at the core of the discussion. Leikvoll concluded the first day by stating that we do not yet see a consensus on the issue of conditionality, that further research is needed, that civil society needs to stay involved and that also bilateral donors must assume responsibility.