Historisk arkiv

Nye arrangementer i Refleksprosjektets møteserie

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Tre nye møter - ett i september og to i første halvdel av oktober - står på Refleks-prosjektets program i høstens møteserie. Det første er 25. september.

Tuesday 25 September, 13.00 – 15.00, Håndverkeren Konferansesenter: "Politics and transparancy in global financial markets - new trends, challenges and the role of the norwegian pension fund global". 

High petroleum prices has put mechanisms for management of volatile revenues high on the agenda for a number of countries, and the interest in different forms of petroleums funds has increased. At the same time, the rapid emergence of sovereign wealth funds (swfs) globally is attracting political interest, i.a. Due to fear of political manipulation and lack of transparency.  

This is the backdrop for a seminar organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the New York-based Revenue Watch Institute. The seminar features three introductions, followed by open debate: 

Martin Skancke, the Ministry of Finance, Norway:  Managing a Sovereign Wealth Fund - principles and practical experience from the Government Pension Fund - Global.  

Karin Lissakers/Yahia Said, the Revenue Watch Institute, New York:  The rise of sovereign wealth funds (swfs): the phenomenon, the scare, the politics and the challenge of transparency 

Karina Litvack, F&C Asset Management, London: Social responsibility and transparency in the world of private finance - achievements, limitations and the challenges ahead

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