Historisk arkiv

Stubholt ønsket de nye medlemsstatene velkommen

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

- Jeg benytter anledningen til å gratulere Bulgaria, Romania og EU med den siste utvidelsen. En vellykket utvidelse av EU er en gevinst for alle, ikke bare for medlemsstatene men også for Norge, sa statssekretær Liv Monica Stubholt da utvidelsen ble markert med en festkonsert i Oslo Konserthus 9. januar. (10.01.06)

Statssekretær Liv Monica Stubholt

Stubholt ønsket de nye medlemsstatene velkommen

Markering av Bulgaria og Romanias EU-medlemsskap i Konserthuset, 9. januar 2007.

Foto: Pierre de Brisis

Nr. 2 fra venstre: Leder av Europakommisjonens delegasjon til Norge og Island, Percy Westerlund. Nr. 5 fra venstre: Tysklands ambassadør i Norge, Roland Mauch.

Damen und Herren,

  • Am ersten Januar dieses Jahres hat Deutschland die EU-Präsidentschaft übernommen. Dies bedeutet, dass Deutschland – einer der Gründerstaaten der EU – den Feierlichkeiten anlässlich des 50ten Jahrestages des Romavertrags im März vorstehen wird. Die Tagesordnung der deutschen Präsidentschaft hat mehrere wichtige Fragen so wie Einwanderung, die schwierige Lage in den WTO-Verhandlungen und auch Energiefragen und Klimawandel. Diese Angelegenheiten sind von grosser Wichtigkeit – nicht nur für die EU Mitgliedstaaten, sondern auch für Norwegen. Ich stelle deshalb mit grosser Zufriedenheit fest, dass Deutschland die Präsidentschaft innehat, und in dieser Eigenschaft die Debatte über diese anspruchsvollen Fragen leiten wird.
  • [ Innledningen i engelsk versjon: 1 January 2007, Germany took over the Presidency of the European Union. This means that Germany – one of the founding members of the EU – will be in charge of the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in March. There are several important issues on the agenda of the German Presidency. These include immigration, how to deal with world trade following the suspension of the Doha Round in the WTO, as well as the debate on energy and climate change. These issues are extremely important – not only for the EU Member States, but also for Norway. Therefore, I am pleased to note that Germany has the Presidency and will lead the debate on these difficult issues.]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • Let me turn to the reason why we are gathered here tonight, which is to celebrate yet another historical event in the history of the European Union.
  • On behalf of the Norwegian Government, I would like to congratulate Bulgaria and Romania, as well as the rest of the European Union, with the enlargement that took place on 1 January 2007.
  • Norway supports enlargement of the European Union. On this occasion, I would in particular congratulate the peoples and the authorities of Bulgaria and Romania for all the efforts they have produced in order to fulfil the requirements for EU accession. Enlargement will contribute to regional stability, economic growth and social cohesion and strengthen democracy and respect for human rights. The readiness of Bulgaria and Romania is a direct result of the sustained progress both countries have achieved over the last years.
  • I am convinced that this enlargement – like others before it – will be a success. Enlarging the European Union produces a win-win situation – not only for the existing and the acceding Member States – but also for Norway and the other EEA EFTA States.
  • The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union implies enlargement also of the European Economic Area. Formal negotiations on EEA enlargement started last summer. As you probably know, the parties have not yet succeeded in concluding these negotiations. However, the negotiations on EEA enlargement continue, and I sincerely believe that we will soon agree on a mutually acceptable EEA enlargement agreement – which will provide for improved cooperation between Norway and Bulgaria and Romania.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • There can be no doubt that accession to the EU represents a very important moment in the history of Bulgaria and Romania. I wish you all the best as EU Member States, and look forward to welcoming you as parties to the EEA Agreement.