Historisk arkiv

Imprisoned Norwegian in Iraq

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

In September 2004, a Norwegian national was killed in Northern Iraq. She was on a visit with her husband and their three daughters. The husband had attained Norwegian citizenship that year. He is also an Iraqi national. He was imprisoned, charged and convicted of the murder along with two Iraqi citizens. (23.10.06)

Press release

No.: 135/06
Date: 23.10.06

Imprisoned Norwegian in Iraq

Due to recent media interest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to provide the following information:


In September 2004, a Norwegian national was killed in Northern Iraq. She was on a visit with her husband and their three daughters. The husband had attained Norwegian citizenship that year. He is also an Iraqi national. He was imprisoned, charged and convicted of the murder along with two Iraqi citizens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has undertaken the following:

1) Practical assistance was given in this case in the same way as for other Norwegian nationals imprisoned abroad who desire assistance from the relevant Norwegian foreign service mission. Due to the serious nature of the case, every court hearing has been attended by a representative from the Norwegian authorities.

2) A representative from the Embassy in Amman has also had meetings with the prisoner, his lawyer, the judge in the case and the local authorities.

3) The Foreign Service has followed this case closely, and the Embassy in Amman has been in regular contact with the local Iraqi authorities.

4) Norway has made clear its views on the death penalty on several occasions in connection with this case, both when the sentence was confirmed in February this year and to the Prime Minister of the regional government in Northern Iraq in June this year.

5) On 22 October 2006, the Embassy in Amman delivered a letter to the Prime Minister of the regional government in Northern Iraq, via the Governor of Sulaymaniyah, in which the Norwegian authorities re-emphasised their fundamental views on the death penalty. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to follow the matter closely.

The judge in the matter has stated to the Embassy’s representative that it is not normal practice in that part of Iraq to carry out death sentences, and that the sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment. The prisoner’s lawyer has also made similar statements.

Questions relating to a possible transfer of custody fall under the Ministry of Justice and the Police’s area of responsibility.

Norwegians imprisoned abroad – general comments:

Norwegian citizens who are the subject of criminal proceedings or are serving sentences abroad have the right to contact a Norwegian foreign service mission. Norwegian foreign service missions can offer practical assistance, such as helping to secure competent legal assistance, undertaking visits to prisons or being present during hearings. The extent of the assistance given depends on the circumstances of each case. Norwegians arrested abroad are subject to the laws and regulations of the relevant country. Where an individual has dual nationality, the authorities in the country in question can choose to ignore the fact of Norwegian nationality.