Historisk arkiv

Minister of International Development visits Sri Lanka and Japan

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Minister of International Development Erik Solheim and Special Envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer will among other things have talks with the Government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). (26.05.06)

Press release

No.: 65/06
Date: 24.05.06

Minister of International Development visits Sri Lanka and Japan

Minister of International Development Erik Solheim and Special Envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer will visit Sri Lanka for talks with the Government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

On 26 May, the Minister of International Development will meet the President of Sri Lanka, Mr Mahinda Rajapakse. Later the same day, Mr Solheim will proceed to New Dehli to discuss the situation in Sri Lanka with the Indian authorities. On 27 May, Special Envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer will meet representatives of the LTTE.

“The situation in Sri Lanka is complicated, and it is important not to have unrealistic expectations of the meetings. The visits are an important part of the preparations for the Co-chairs Meeting in Japan, and we will have talks with both parties,” said Mr Solheim.

The Minister of International Development will attend the Co-chairs Meeting in Tokyo on 30 May. The meeting will bring together representatives of the EU, Japan, the US and Norway for talks on how they can best assist the parties in Sri Lanka in furthering the peace process.

Press contact: Deputy Director General Aud Lise Norheim, mobile phone +47 48 26 83 69