Historisk arkiv

Norwegian ambassador Wegger C. Strømmen elected vice-chairman of the UNHCR Executive Committee

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

- I am pleased that Ambassador Wegger C. Strømmen was today elected vice-chairman of UNHCR’s Executive Committee. This is a recognition both of Ambassador Strømmen’s work and of Norway’s broad and active humanitarian commitment,” said State Secretary Johansen. (09.10.06)

Press release

No.: 126/06
Date: 06.10.06

Norwegian ambassador Wegger C. Strømmen elected vice-chairman of the UNHCR Executive Committee

“I am pleased that Ambassador Wegger C. Strømmen was today elected vice-chairman of UNHCR’s Executive Committee. This is a recognition both of Ambassador Strømmen’s work and of Norway’s broad and active humanitarian commitment,” said State Secretary Raymond Johansen. “UNHCR is in an important transition period. While it is important always to put the needs of those forced to flee first, UNHCR also has to make vital organisational changes.”

Norway’s ambassador in Geneva, Wegger C. Strømmen, was today elected vice-chairman of UNHCR’s Executive Committee. The Zambian chairman of the Executive Committee, Vice-Chairman Strømmen and the rapporteur from Canada will advise UNHCR’s management on all matters between meetings of UNHCR’s governing bodies, the Executive Committee and the Permanent Committee. Ambassador Strømmen is expected to take over as chairman next year, in accordance with usual practice. This means that, for the next two years, Norway will play a key role in a UN organisation involved in invaluable humanitarian work.

This year’s election was the subject of intense interest, due to the forthcoming internal reorganisation of UNHCR. The main aims of the proposed reforms are to make UNHCR more cost-effective and to enhance its ability to protect people who need international protection, such as the internally displaced.