Historisk arkiv

Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission to regroup in Colombo temporarily

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The gradual withdrawal of 39 monitors from Sweden, Finland and Denmark has begun. Norwegian and Icelandic monitors will remain in Sri Lanka, and their number will gradually be increased to 30 when the ground situation permits and demands such an increase. (21.08.06)

Press release

No.: 106/06
Date: 21.08.06

Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission to regroup in Colombo temporarily

The Swedish, Finnish and Danish members of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) are due to leave by the end of August, as the LTTE will not accept EU nationals as monitors after 1 September. The gradual withdrawal of these 39 monitors (out of a total contingent of 57) has begun. Norwegian and Icelandic monitors will remain in Sri Lanka, and their number will gradually be increased to 30 when the ground situation permits and demands such an increase. It is envisaged that additional monitors from other countries will be invited later.

At the moment, intensive military operations and fighting are taking place in several locations in the North and East. The parties are restricting the SLMM’s access to combat areas.

As a result, the Head of Mission, Major General Ulf Henricsson, has decided to regroup the international monitors in Colombo temporarily. This will allow the SLMM to focus its full attention on ensuring that the scaled-down mission is safely and securely re-organised under new Norwegian and Icelandic leadership. Norwegian and Icelandic monitors will be redeployed to the district offices as soon as the personnel is ready and the situation in each district permits the resumption of secure field monitoring.