Historisk arkiv

The Middle East - Norway's statement to the UN Security Council

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

"We call on the parties to end hostilities immediately and to take all necessary measures to protect the population against the consequences of war. Civilians must be protected and given safe passage", Norway said in a statement to the UN Security Council. (21.07.06)

The Middle East - Norway's statement to the UN Security Council


Mr. President,

Norway calls for an urgent cessation of hostilities. Hezbollah must cease their armed attacks and return the abducted Israeli soldiers immediately.

While recognizing Israel’s inherent right to self-defence, all use of armed force must satisfy requirements of necessity as well as proportionality. It is imperative that the civilian population be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law.

Indiscriminate and excessive use of force are prohibited. Norway urges Israel not to resort to disproportionate action. We must avaoid that the violence and conflict expand into neighbouring areas.

We call on the parties to end hostilities immediately and to take all necessary measures to protect the population against the consequences of war. Civilians must be protected and given safe passage. Moreover, humanitarian and relief workers must be given unrestricted and safe access both for themselves and for relief supplies.

All protected persons who desire to leave the areas concerned, including foreign nationals, shall be entitled to do so in accordance with international law.

Mr President,

A peaceful solution to the situation in the Middle East cannot be found through military action. Only a political process and negotiations involving all parties can yield a comprehensive and lasting peace. What is needed, is that the parties return to the negotiation table as soon as possible. This is the only place where a lasting solution may be found. We fully support the efforts of the Secretary General and call for active and urgent Security Council action in this regard.

Norway expresses its full and undiminished support for the Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon, and call on all parties to respect the political and territorial independence of Lebanon.

We remain deeply concerned about the continued deteriorating situation in Gaza . Israel 's attacks on vital infrastructure constitutes a form of collective punishment which is unacceptable.

It is obvious that the humanitarian needs are enormous. Norway is deeply concerned by the swiftly deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Middle East. In accordance with the assessment by the Secretary General in his statement to the Council yesterday, the lives of more than 500.000 people in Lebanon are directly affected by the military operations.

Norway stands ready to respond substantially and the Norwegian government has decided to allocate 30 million USD in humanitarian assistance to the region. The Norwegian contribution will be channelled through non-governmental organizations and the UN.

Thank you.