Historisk arkiv

Building States after Civil War: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

A Policy Seminar of the Research Partnership on Post-War Statebuilding*

Under følger en oversikt over program for seminaret.

With the Support of  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 

Oslo, September 6, 2007 
Venue: Sangerhallen, Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantzgt. 7 



Welcome and Introductions




Chair Hege Hertzberg, : Deputy Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs




Introductory Presentation




“Why Statebuilding Matters for 21st Century Peace”


His Excellency Erik Solheim, Minister of International Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway




Session I: Policy Paper Presentation




“Presentation of the Research Partnership Policy Report:


Statebuilding after Civil War: The Long Road to Peace”


Roland Paris, Prof., University of Ottawa and  Timothy Sisk, Prof., University of Denver, Research Partnership on Post-War Statebuilding Project Co-Directors


Q &A




Coffee and Tea Break




Session II: The Political Economy of Statebuilding


Chair: Jostein Leiro, Deputy Director General MFA


“Where More is Less: Aiding Statebuilding in Afghanistan”


Astri Suhrke, Senior Researcher, Christian Michelsen Institute


“Statebuilding, Service Delivery, and Peacebuilding: Mapping the Nexus”


Judith Large, Prof., Richardson Institute, University of Lancaster


Discussant: Kristian Berg Harpviken, Deputy Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)




Q &A




Informal Lunch




Session III: Statebuilding and Democratization




Chair: Helga Fastrup Ervik, Senior Adviser , MFA


“Dilemmas of Peacebuilding in War-Torn Societies: Democratization and the Emergence of Weak States”


Anna Jarstad, Prof. Uppsala University


“Constitution-Making after Civil War: Lessons Learned”


Kirsti Samuels, Senior Project Manager,  International IDEA


Discussant: Janis Bjørn Kanavin, Senior Adviser, MFA


Q &A




Coffee and Tea Break




Session IV: Roundtable on the Future of Peacebuilding-as-Statebuilding


Chair: Johan C. Vibe, Deputy Director General MFA


Roland Paris, Prof., University of Ottawa


Poul Engberg-Pedersen, Director, NORAD


Hans Jacob Frydenlund, Deputy Director General, MFA


Jan Egeland, Director, NUPI






*The Research Partnership on Post-War Statebuilding (www.statebuilding.org) is graciously supported by the Program in International Peace and Security, Carnegie Corporation of New York.