Historisk arkiv

CMI - Review paper: NGOs in peace processes — lessons from practices and studies

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Review paper: NGOs in peace processes – lessons from practices and studies

Applicant: Chr. Michelsen Institute
Application approved: November 2005
Reference in the MFA: 1051337

The purpose of the review paper is to discuss how external facilitators and mediators can draw on and utilise NGOs in peace processes. The project will not attempt to evaluate all aspects of civil society actors in peace processes, but will rather focus on NGOs directly involved in the facilitation and mediation processes. The project will especially investigate the three following topics: (1) NGOs and reform of the security system; (2) NGOs and the use of developmental aid in conflict resolution; and (3) the role of NGOs in local and/or national conflict resolution.

More information about CMI.