Historisk arkiv

Econ - Review paper: Options to end/reduce violent conflicts by cutting access to finance from natural resources

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Review paper: Options to end/reduce violent conflicts by cutting access to finance from natural resources

Applicant: Econ Analysis
Application approved: November 2005
Reference in the MFA: 1051335

The project intends to investigate the opportunities for reducing the role natural resources play in prolonging and intensifying a conflict already underway. The researchers will perform a review of academic literature and official documents, to provide an up-to-date summary of knowledge on: (1) the role of natural resources in financing conflicts; and (2) the continuing development of various tools to cut the flow of physical goods and cut financial flows from sales of such goods. The project will also provide (3) case studies and evaluations of lessons learned from actual attempts to stem the financing of conflict from natural resources; (4) thoughts on the prospects and limitations of various existing and proposed tools, and conclusions on developing best practices; and (5) practical guidelines for designing effective tools under different circumstances. The aim is to create a practical reference resource for Norwegian participation in international efforts to address conflict in which financing by natural resources plays an important part.

More information about Econ Analysis.