Historisk arkiv

IFS - Review paper: The use of military force in peace and reconciliation processes

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Review paper: The use of military force in peace and reconciliation processes

Applicant: Institutt for Forsvarsstudier (IFS)
Application approved: November 2005
Reference in the MFA: 1051340

The project will investigate how military forces can be used as a tool to facilitate and support peace and reconciliation processes. The intention is to contribute to establishing realistic expectations as to what can and cannot be achieved by the use of military force in such processes. The study will focus on: (1) military involvement in order to prevent the outbreak of violence in societies with considerable degree of tension; (2) military support during peace negotiations; and (3) military support in the aftermath of a peace agreement. The project will provide an overview of the literature, and draw-out lessons that can be learnt for future military involvement.

More information about IFS.