Historisk arkiv

Norway's statement at UNHCR Executive Committee

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Fifty-seventh Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner for Refugees' Programme

State Secretary Raymond Johansen

Norway's statement at UNHCR Executive Committee

Geneva, 9 October 2006

Mr. Chairman,

Norway is a strong supporter of the UN. There is no alternative to the UN, but we need to improve the way it is functioning. UNHCR will also have to adapt to our changing world if it is to provide the services expected by the international community.

The number of refugees has been declining for several years, while the number of internally displaced persons and other persons of concern to UNHCR is steadily increasing. Moreover, the mixed flows of migrants and asylum seekers are also increasing. The operational challenges confronting UNHCR have not been reduced.

However, since the administration and staffing costs have been growing steadily over several years, UNHCR’s ability to provide effective protection has been gradually declining. As a major humanitarian donor and one of the largest contributors to UNHCR, this gives us reason for concern. A much larger portion of its resources needs to be channelled to operations that directly support the beneficiaries. Making UNHCR more operative and effective is the best way of securing donor commitment.

We have been encouraged by the reform process so far. Nevertheless, considerable work remains to be done, and some difficult decisions need to be made. Careful consultations should be held to avoid undermining staff morale. At the same time, it is essential to keep up the momentum; long periods of uncertainty can be equally harmful.

Mr Chairman,

Last year, the Executive Committee took a very important decision on UNHCR’s commitment to working with internally displaced persons (IDPs). The High Commissioner should be commended for the high priority he has accorded to this task. The encouraging donor response with respect to the Supplementary Programmes for IDPs has demonstrated that this is a step in the right direction.

Nevertheless, there are several aspects in the implementation of the cluster approach that still need to find their final form. The rollout of the clusters has been set back by of a lack of a common understanding of the concept of cluster lead. If the cluster approach is to reflect a genuine partnership between the UN agencies and the NGO community, NGOs and other partners need to be actively involved in joint assessments and strategy formulation, as well as in direct implementation. Many NGOs, at both international and local level, have a great deal of competence and experience that should be utilised. The reform process should strengthen UNHCR’s ability to fulfil its role as cluster lead more efficiently. The ongoing crisis in Darfur clearly demonstrates the crucial protection role played by NGOs.

Protection of IDPs is becoming an increasingly important part of UNHCR’s work, and this needs to be better reflected in the annual budget. Norway is prepared to support the inclusion of IDP programmes in the budget as soon as possible.

Mr Chairman,

There are significant improvements in the budget proposal presented to the Executive Committee for approval. The introduction of Result Based Management should make it easier to link the resources allocated to tangible results in the field. I believe that the proposed budget is realistic and can provide the organisation with the financial predictability it needs.

Norway welcomes the draft conclusion on women and girls at risk presented to the Executive Committee. We have high expectations concerning the practical follow-up of the many important observations and recommendations made. I would like to remind you that six years ago, the Security Council adopted resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. The Norwegian Government gives high priority to this resolution. A national plan of action for its implementation was launched on 8 March this year, and is now being followed-up. The plan of action attaches great importance to bolstering the work of key UN organisations in relation to women, peace and security. We look forward to cooperating closely with UNHCR in its follow-up of the resolution. In this regard, it is important to remind ourselves that gender issues need to be duly considered in the management reform process and in UNHCR’s operational priorities.

Mr Chairman,

A large proportion of refugees find themselves in protracted situations. Norway supports UNHCR’s determination to redouble efforts to find durable solutions. The creation of the Solutions and Operations Support Section is an important step in this regard. With the mainstreaming of the “Convention Plus Initiative” in the organization, we should not lose the valuable experience gained in this field.

For a minority of refugees resettlement remains the only viable solution. The Norwegian Government intends to increase the annual resettlement quota by 50 per cent during the present legislation period. The global resettlement opportunities, however, should be more diverse and better adapted to refugees’ needs. We would therefore urge more countries to join UNHCR’s resettlement scheme. With this in view, the Norwegian Government continues to support UNHCR’s programme for regional resettlement in Latin America.

Mr Chairman,

The UN held its first High-Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in New York last month. The Member States agreed on maintaining focus on the synergy effects of international migration, including the need for proper identification and protection of asylum seekers and refugees. Norway will direct close attention to migration issues in its development efforts and the fight against poverty.

Finally, Mr Chairman, I would like to underline that Norway firmly supports a strong and efficient UNHCR. We are ready to take our part of the responsibility for achieving this and have therefore decided to put forward a candidate for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee.