Historisk arkiv

Norway's Statement at WHO's HIV/AIDS Assembly

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Political Adviser Mr. Torbjørn Urfjell

Norway's Statement at WHO's HIV/AIDS Assembly

11 March, 2006

Thank you,

We all know that the AIDS-field is loaded with taboos and stigma.

Norway will fight cultural and political taboos and strongly believe in an evidence-based approach to the HIV-epidemic.

We also see a growing understanding for the need for universal access to prevention, treatment, support and care. In this common struggle for universal access we must not forget vulnerable and marginal groups such as injecting drug users, sex workers, homosexuals and other men haveing sex with men.

We think it is important to link up the HIV/ AIDS work with the new Global STI strategy that will be adopted later this week, and also with the existing Global Strategy for Reproductive Health.

Norway supports the resolution on nutrition and HIV/AIDS. It is important to do more research on this important area.

Norway also supports the resolution regarding the Global Task Team. It is crucial to link this Global Task Team work with UN-reform and our constant efforts to make aid more effective.

Back to universal acess and the background paper A59/39;

I would like to propose to the committee through you, President, that we do not only take note of the report, but endorse the goal of universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.

This would be an important signal in front of the UNGASS-meeting in New York next week.

Thank you.