Historisk arkiv

Statement at the fourteenth meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Brussels, 4 December 2006

- We need to maintain our focus on respect for human rights, freedom of the press and freedom of association. When these rights are neglected, our common values suffer. We must react and speak out when this happens, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Støre pointed out in his statement. (04.12.06)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre

Statement at the fourteenth meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council

Brussels 4 December 2006

Check against delivery

Thank you, Mr Chairman,

First of all I would like to thank you for the excellent work you have done as Chairman-in-Office.

I would like to thank both the Permanent Council and the ODIHR for their comprehensive efforts regarding reform of the OSCE. I hope we can now put the discussions on our internal structures behind us, and redirect our energy to the OSCE’s core purpose.

The panel report stresses the need for the OSCE to set priorities in its work. I fully agree. The OSCE cannot deal with all issues.

We need to focus on core tasks if we are to have an impact. Norway believes that the OSCE should concentrate on four priority areas.

Firstly, conflict prevention and resolution.

In Kosovo, we are entering a critical period in the process of deciding its future status. The OSCE will have a key role to play in implementing a status settlement. I see two main areas where the OSCE can make a unique contribution. First of all, building good governance – the OSCE should continue its work to create stronger and more competent institutions able to deliver services to the entire population. And second, monitoring and improving respect for human rights, particularly in the relations between ethnic communities in Kosovo.

The OSCE has unique field experience and expertise in the western Balkans. It must now make full use of its ears and eyes on the ground in Kosovo to insure the peaceful implementation of the future status settlement.

The fragile situation that is impinging on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of member states cannot be permitted to continue. In particular, Moldova has the right to develop without the presence of foreign troops on its territory against its will. And Georgia has the right to choose orientation towards Europe without interference from abroad. Other frozen conflicts still remain unsolved in the OSCE area. They prevent social and economic development, and they represent threats to regional security. Proposals for solutions are on the table.

Looking towards our next-door region in Asia, we need a stronger and better coordinated engagement to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. Several of the countries present here today are neighbours to Afghanistan and are particularly vulnerable to instability and terrorism in Afghanistan, as well as to the trafficking of drugs.

The OSCE has a role to play in bringing its members together in combating these destructive and illegal activities, and thereby helping to create a more stable Afghanistan.

Mr Chairman,

Let me underline another issue of importance: the integration of women into conflict prevention and conflict management in the political-military dimension in the OSCE.

Women’s role in confidence building and conflict resolution must be recognised and built upon. And we must step up our efforts to implement UNSCR 1325.

Secondly, institution building and the rule of law are prerequisites for stability and democracy. We need to maintain our focus on respect for human rights, freedom of the press and freedom of association. When these rights are neglected, our common values suffer. We must react and speak out when this happens.

The OSCE needs to take an integrated approach that encompasses the civilian police, the public prosecutor’s office, the courts, the prison system and border control.

A well functioning criminal justice system is key in the fight against organised crime, including trafficking in drugs and human beings.

We must continue our comprehensive and proactive strategy for combating human trafficking. Up to now, human trafficking has mainly been linked with sexual exploitation and forced prostitution, but the focus must also be directed at trafficking for forced labour.

Forced and bonded labour is a growing phenomenon in our part of the world too. The OSCE must take a leading role here as well.

Thirdly, our common commitment to building democracy is one of the core OSCE values.

Our common principles and commitment in relation to the human dimension have to be fully implemented.

I have full confidence in the way the ODIHR monitors elections. It must be allowed to continue to do so in an independent, impartial and effective way.

Fourthly – and finally – Mr Chairman, we must, as a security organisation, be able to respond to new threats to security. We need to focus on the environmental aspects of security.

Our security is threatened by both climatic change and other environmental problems. Energy is key and an aspect of security that is very much on all our minds. This is an issue where we have much to gain from sharing experience and perspectives – whether we are situated in the High North, by the Black Sea or by the Caspian Sea.

Mr Chairman,

Norway welcomes Kazakhstan’s candidacy for the OSCE 2009 Chairmanship. We consider this candidacy to be an indication of Kazakhstan’s commitment to the OSCE and its determination to fully comply with OSCE standards and values. We encourage Kazakhstan to implement its programme for democratic reforms in full.

Mr Chairman,

Let me finally assure our Spanish colleague, Mr Miguel Moratinos, that he has Norway’s full support as he assumes the important role as OSCE Chairman-in-Office for 2007. Your programme inspires us to lend you all our efforts in the year to come.

Thank you.