Historisk arkiv

The Conference on Youth and Business Opportunities in the Barents Region

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Barents Days 2006

- I would strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to establish new friendships and business contacts, both nationally and regionally. Each of you can play an important role in the creation of a sustainable future for people living in the Barents region, Foreign Minister Støre said in his message to the conference in Tromsø 14 November. (14.11.06)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre

The Conference on Youth and Business Opportunities in the Barents Region

Barents Days 2006, Tromsø, 14 November 2006

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I am very pleased to address this youthful gathering in Tromsø which, I understand, includes representatives from all 13 counties and sub-regional entities of the Barents Euro-Arctic region. Thank you for coming.

I want to extend a special thanks to the organisers in Tromsø, and the municipality in particular, who answered the challenge from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organise this year’s Barents Days.

Sitting in Oslo, looking towards the south, the east, and the west I see a world that is familiar and well-known. Looking towards the north, however, I see new developments, new opportunities and new challenges, not only for Norway, but for the whole of the Barents region and its people.

Today, the High North is no longer just a cold wilderness. In policy terms, it has become one of the world’s ‘hotspots’. It offers great opportunities. You – the delegates to this conference – stand on the threshold of an exciting and very promising future.

During earlier visits to the High North, I have been struck by the high level of optimism in the region, among the public, in business circles and in local and regional government. During this conference, you will focus on the many new opportunities offered by the Barents region in oil and gas, in tourism, in fisheries and aquaculture, and in information technology.

I am delighted to see the region’s own young people becoming involved in the discussion about its future. Your engagement is vital in building a sustainable future for your region.

When I was young, many people, and especially young people left their villages in the north, moving south. A popular song from Northern Norway said: “Det ska' bo folk i husan, husan må ha folk”. Roughly translated, this means, “Houses shouldn’t be empty, houses need people”. This is just as true today. Natural resources, energy, economic development and employment opportunities, all play an important role in enabling people to stay in the region of their origin – to live, work and raise their own families.

The Barents region is home to a number of business activities –fisheries, maritime transport and petroleum activities. These must take place within a sustainable framework. Norway has drawn up an integrated management plan for the Barents Sea–Lofoten area to make sure that these activities can exist side by side.

I believe that the future holds exciting opportunities for young people like you. I understand that one outcome of today’s conference will be a Barents Youth Business Charter that will identify opportunities for cross-border business in the High North. I really look forward to seeing the result of your discussions. The Charter will be an important contribution to future national and regional planning processes.

I would strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to establish new friendships and business contacts, both nationally and regionally. Each of you can play an important role in the creation of a sustainable future for people living in the Barents region.

I would like to wish you all a fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in Tromsø.