Historisk arkiv

Innlegg på Verdens klimakonferanse

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Geneve, 3. september 2009

Les innlegget statssekretær Håkon A. Gulbrandsen holdt på Verdens klimakonferanse i Geneve.

Let me extend my gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon for his strong commitment to combat climate change. The Arctic reality, as the Secretary General so clearly pointed out, illustrates the urgent need for global action. Global leaders must rise to their responsibility.

Commitments to deep and swift cuts in emissions keeping global warming under two degrees, and urgent scaling up of adaptation actions must be the outcome of Copenhagen.

The conditions for development are changing rapidly due to climate change, threatening the Millennium Development Goals and future prosperity of millions of people. Extreme weather events are causing loss of lives and have enormous economic costs. We know from the IPCC that these events are increasing in frequency and intensity.

Countries most at risk are already adapting to climate change, they have no choice. China, Vietnam and Cuba are among the front runners.  As the prime minister of Bangladesh pointed out, her country is investing in adaptation and disaster risk reduction resulting in resilient communities. Norway supports these efforts and is scaling up support for disaster risk reduction in developing countries.

Climate change must be addressed on many arenas and by many means and measures. The World Climate Conference has gathered practitioners and scientist from a range of disciplines, showing that we have to tackle this challenge across sectors.

Climate observation and information can save lives and assets. These are key components of disaster risk reduction and response, for early warning systems, and for adaptation. We need knowledge to target our actions efficiently. Good climate observation and predictions are necessary and must be strengthened. Also climate information must be easily accessed for decision makers and communities, including vulnerable people, women and children in particular. This will help promote sustainable development and economic growth.

At this conference we have decided to establish a Global Framework for Climate Services. This is an important step. We now need a strong commitment from all countries to start working on the content of the Framework. The UN and all its members must join forces to ensure a successful framework.

An American president said more than a hundred years ago: If we fail to prepare – we are preparing to fail. Dealing with the impacts of climate change cannot wait.