Historisk arkiv

Message of Solidarity

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Addis Abeba, 25. mai 2013

- On behalf of the Government of Norway, I wish to extend our warmest congratulations to the African Union on the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the African Union and its predecessor, the OAU, sa utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide da han hilste til 50-årsdagen for Organisasjonen av afrikanske stater/Den afrikanske union.

On behalf of the Government of Norway, I wish to extend our warmest congratulations to the African Union on the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the African Union and its predecessor, the OAU.

The coming together of free African nations through the OAU contributed in a significant way to the liberation of the African continent from colonialism and apartheid.  As the member states of the OAU decided to take the next step and establish the African Union, they resolved to create a powerful force for peace, democracy and prosperity for the peoples of Africa. 

The OAU and the AU have seen Africa through fifty transformative years.  Freedom came at a high price. The newly independent countries faced many challenges. Yet, Africa today is more peaceful, prosperous and full of promise than ever.     

Norway’s engagement with Africa is broad and long-term. The political role of the AU is increasing, and Norway sees the AU as a key partner in both regional and global affairs. We appreciate the strong engagement of the AU for economic and political integration in Africa. We actively support its strengthened efforts to address challenges to peace and security through conflict prevention, peaceful settlement of disputes and peace operations.  

I feel privileged to visit Addis Abeba on this occasion and take part in the anniversary celebrations. I honor the political will and commitment of the AU and its member states to provide African answers to Africa’s challenges and opportunities. Norway strongly supports your work to fully realize the vision of a people-centered Union. And I pledge the full backing of my Government for the efforts of the AU as it prepares to lead Africa into the next fifty years. 


(This text is published in an official publication made for the anniversary.)