Historisk arkiv


Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

In 2008, Kenya launched a development strategy called Kenya Vision 2030, covering the period 2008 to 2030. Its objective is to help transform Kenya into a middle-income country by 2030. The Kenya Vision 2030 strategy outlines reforms within the energy sector, which could contribute to increased access to renewable energy and improved energy efficiency.

Norway and Kenya entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Energy+ cooperation in June 2012. Norway pledged NOK 250 million to Kenya over a period of five years to support the implementation of Energy+ in Kenya. The purpose of the cooperation is to contribute to increased access to sustainable energy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions through the replacement of kerosene lamps with solar lanterns, as well as the production and distribution of improved cook-stoves and the promotion of more efficient and environmentally friendly cooking. UNIDO has been involved in the preparation of implementation of these two programs. The Kerosene-free Kenya program aims to reduce the use of kerosene by 3 million tons, thereby reducing emissions by 400 000 tCO2e/year.

Energy+ is exploring the opportunities for establishing a collaboration with Lighting Africa and Global Alliance for Clean Cook-stoves to implement programs for replacing kerosene lamps and distribute improved cook-stoves. Energy+ has also been in a dialogue with United Kingdom (DFID) about options for supporting mini-grids. Energy+ intends to collaborate with the Scaling up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP), with particular focus on geothermal energy.

Read more about additional Norwegian assistance to clean energy development here: Norad - Energy for Sustainable Development - Annual report 2013

Agreement period:

Total budget:
NOK 250 million

Relevant documents:
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The Kerosene Replacement Concept (pdf)

<p><strong>Official name:</strong> Republic of Kenya <br /><strong>Capital:</strong> Nairobi <br /><strong>Population:</strong> 44 037 656 <br /><strong>Access to electricity</strong> (% of the population): 23 (8 in rural areas, 71 in urban areas) <br /><strong>Access to non-solid fuel</strong> (% of population): 20 (5 in rural areas, 61 in urban areas) <br /><strong>Rate of primary energy</strong> intensity improvement, CAGR (%) from 1990–2010: 0.09 <br /><strong>Share</strong> (%) of <strong>renewable energy</strong> (RE) in total final energy consumption (TFEC): 77.1 <br /><br /><em>Source: SE4All Global Tracking Framework (2013), CIA The World Fact Book</em></p>