Gratulasjonsbrev til Singapors statsminister

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støres gratulasjonsbrev til Singapors statsminister Lawrence Wong.

Dear Prime Minister Wong                                                           

I would like to extend my congratulations on your appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore.

Norway and Singapore enjoy excellent relations and cooperate closely bilaterally as well as in multilateral arenas such as the UN, ASEAN, and IMO. This year marks 55 years of diplomatic relations between our two countries.

For nations like ours, it is important that we stand united as staunch supporters of a rules-based international order, open and free trade, and the freedom of navigation. Norway and Singapore both recognise the importance of international cooperation and a well-functioning multilateral system.

For many years, Singapore has been Norway’s first port of call in Asia. I am pleased that the Norwegian maritime industry, and other segments of our business community in Singapore, have been able to take part in the remarkable journey your country has undertaken since independence.

Norway and Singapore collaborate on issues in a wide range of areas, including sustainability, climate change and the oceans, trade and maritime issues, research and development, and innovation and entrepreneurship. Our two countries are now also taking the lead in the green and digital transitions. I am confident that we will continue to expand and deepen our partnership moving forward, and I look forward to welcoming you to Norway at some point in the future.

I wish you every success in your new position and I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you soon.

Yours sincerely

Jonas Gahr Støre