Gratulasjonsbrev til statsministeren i Spania

Statsminister Erna Solbergs gratulasjonsbrev til Spanias statsminister Pedro Sánchez, etter valget 10. november 2019.

Dear Mr Sánchez

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations on your reappointment as Prime Minister of Spain.

Our two countries enjoy strong bilateral relations based on common values and interests. We work closely together in the UN, in NATO, on European affairs and as partners in the European Economic Area. Spain remains the favourite tourist destination for Norwegian travellers. The large number of visitors and residents from our country is a reflection of the great interest Norwegians take in Spain’s culture, landscape and people. In addition to tourism, many people travel between our two countries to study and to work. This forms a good basis for further developing our relations.

I look forward to continuing our working relationship.

I wish you every success in the important tasks that lie ahead.


Yours sincerely

Erna Solberg



HE Mr Pedro Sánchez
Prime Minister of Spain


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