Takkbrev til Singapors avtroppende statsminister

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støres takkebrev til Singapors avtroppende statsminister, LEE Hsien Loong.

Dear Mr Lee

I would like to express my appreciation to you for the support you have shown in the efforts to strengthen cooperation between Norway and Singapore. Our collaboration at both the bilateral and multilateral levels has increased significantly during your 20 years as Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore. It has been an honour for me, and for my predecessors, to work with you.

Under your leadership, Singapore has continued its impressive economic and social development, and is now also taking the lead in the green and digital transitions.

Norway and Singapore have long enjoyed close ties and this year we are celebrating 55 years of diplomatic relations between our two countries. We collaborate on issues in a wide range of areas, including sustainability, climate change and the oceans, trade and maritime issues, research and development, and innovation and entrepreneurship. Nations like ours can make a difference on the global stage when we work together.

I am pleased to hear that you will continue in the Cabinet and I look forward to working with you and Prime Minister Wong to further expand and build on our partnership in the time ahead.

I wish you continued good health and every success in your future endeavours.

Yours sincerely

Jonas Gahr Støre