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Seminar: Corporate Income Tax in a Small Open Economy
29.11.2013 Artikkel FinansdepartementetWhat are the challenges facing the corporate income tax and which solutions are available? In this seminar we will focus on possible solutions within the existing international framework; how should the corporate income tax be designed in a
Energy and Development - Report on Policy Coherence for Development 2012
Chapter 11 from the 2013 Budget Proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
04.02.2013 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorway’s 2nd report on Policy Coherence for Development, “Energy and Development” was presented by Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Minister for International Development, in a public debate on 9 October 2012. The report was submitted to the Storting (
On rural regional policy
Report No. 13 to the Storting (2012-2013). Summary.
09.07.2013 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetEnglish summary of the Norwegian Government’s white paper to the Parliament on rural and regional policy: Meld. St. 13 (2012-2013) Ta heile Noreg i bruk.
Facts 2012: The Norwegian petroleum sector
03.01.2013 Brosjyre/veiledning EnergidepartementetThe Ministry of Petroleum and Energy together with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate are publishing "Facts 2012 - The Norwegian petroleum sector". The publication provides a general overview of information regarding the petroleum activities
A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains
12.06.2013 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetThe Norwegian Government wishes to contribute to strengthening the role of Norwegian businesses as engines for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while at the same time supporting the efforts of the UN and the ILO to promote responsible
Food Security in a Climate Perspective - English Summary
21.01.2013 Brosjyre/veiledning UtenriksdepartementetA strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Ministry of the Environment. - English Summary - January 2013.
Agreement Norway - Botswana
23.04.2013 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
Amendments to the Political Parties Act (2012)
22.04.2013 Artikkel Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetIn this proposition the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs proposes legislative amendments that are to facilitate greater transparency and control of the funding of political parties in order to follow the
On the Act relating to certain circumstances concerning political parties (Party Act - 2005)
22.04.2013 Artikkel Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetIn this Bill, the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform presents a proposal for a new Act relating to certain circumstances concerning political parties.
Tilregnelighetsutvalgets behandling av personopplysninger
02.12.2013 Artikkel Justis- og beredskapsdepartementetDatatilsynet har gitt Tilregnelighetsutvalget konsesjon i medhold av personopplysningsloven § 9 tredje ledd og § 33.