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Nå kan du søke om midler til trafikksikkerhetstiltak
10.01.2025 Pressemelding Samferdselsdepartementet- Etter to mørke år for trafikksikkerheten, viser 2024 tallene en nedgang i antall drepte i trafikken. Likevel er det fortsatt behov for å styrke innsatsen for å nå målet om null drepte og hardt skadde i trafikken, sier samferdselsminister Jon-Ivar
Byvekstavtaler og tilskudd til byområder
15.01.2025 Artikkel SamferdselsdepartementetByvekstavtalene er regjeringens viktigste virkemiddel for å utvikle attraktive byer med god mobilitet og fremkommelighet, og med mindre lokal luftforurensning, støy og klimagassutslipp. Effektiv arealbruk, virkemidler som reduserer bilbruk og
Deputy Director General Gyri Solnørdal Jenssen
Personer i administrasjon Samferdselsdepartementet -
National Transport Plan — Summary
01.11.2024 Nyhet SamferdselsdepartementetThe National Transport Plan 2025-2036, together with the Parliament’s consideration, constitutes the framework for how we will develop the transport system in Norway over the coming years. A summary is now available.
Regulations on the Obligation to Notify and Report Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents (Notification and Reporting Regulations)
01.06.2007 Forskrift Samferdselsdepartementet(This translation is for information purposes only) Laid down the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 31 March 2006 in pursuance of the Act on Notification, Reporting and Investigation of Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents etc. (Railway
Regulations on Compulsory Abstinence from Alcohol etc., for Personnel performing Tasks related to Safety on Railways, including Tramways, Underground Railways and Suburban Railways etc. (Abstinence Regulations)
01.06.2007 Forskrift Samferdselsdepartementet(This translation is for information purposes only) Laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 16 October 2006 pursuant to Act No. 100 of 11 June 1993 on the Establishment and Operation of Railways, including Tramways, Underground
Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)
03.05.2019 Artikkel SamferdselsdepartementetThe Norwegian Coastal Administration is an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport responsible for services related to maritime safety, maritime infrastructure, transport planning and efficiency, and emergency response to acute pollution.
National Transport Plan 2022–2033
Meld. St. 20 (2020–2021) Report to the Storting (white paper)
25.06.2021 Rapport SamferdselsdepartementetEnglish summary
Invitation to tender: Scheduled air services in Norway - 1 January 2008 – 31 March 2009
20.09.2007 Anbud SamferdselsdepartementetThe Ministry of Transport and Communications invites tenders to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services on the routes Andenes - Bodø v.v. and Andenes - Tromsø v.v. during the period 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2009. The deadline
Crashworthiness of buses – a matter of life, death and labour rights
10.10.2023 Tale/innlegg SamferdselsdepartementetComment from the Norwegian Minister of Transport, Jon-Ivar Nygård, in Euractiv October 10. 2023.