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Statement at the Arctic Frontiers conference 2023
31.01.2023 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetForeign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt's statement at the Arctic Frontiers conference 2023 in Tromsø.
Av: Tidligere utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt Tromsø, 31 January
The Prime Minister's remarks at the panel discussion on “Rethinking Arctic Development” at the Arctic Frontiers conference
31.01.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'There are eight coastal states around the Arctic. Now, one of those eight states are kept on the outside, for obvious reasons. How do we take that into account? We have done a lot of progress on how we involve indigenous groups, local groups, local
Opening remarks by the Prime Minister at The High North Dialogue conference in Bodø
19.04.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontorThe first pillar of Norway’s Arctic policy is the green transition, absolutely key. I see this as an opportunity, a game changer, we are moving from the age of petroleum production to renewable energy production. A lot of that will happen in the
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre The High North Dialogue conference at the High North Centre
Barents cooperation
29.11.2005 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
Norwegian involvement in the dismantling of Russian nuclear submarines
13.08.2004 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorwegian involvement in the dismantling of Russian nuclear submarines On 30 June 2003, the Norwegian authorities signed contracts to finance the dismantling of two non-strategic submarines from Russia’s Northern Fleet. The two vessels were
State Secretary Maria Varteressian's opening remarks at the Arctic Congress
30.05.2024 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetTo tackle the challenges we face, we need more cooperation in the Arctic, not less, was Maria Varteressian's key message in Bodø. She underlined Norway's efforts as chair to ensure that the Arctic Council remains the most important forum for
Av: Statssekretær Maria Varteressian Bodø, 30 May 2024
The visit of Prime Minister Støre to the Foreign Press Association (FPA)
22.05.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor‘The last year has highlighted the importance of Norwegian gas; we were able to increase our gas export by 8-10%, on top of what has already been a high level, partly contributing to level up the storage of gas in Europe, especially in Germany’,
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo
Norway's Arctic Policy - an abstract
26.01.2021 ArtikkelThe Norwegian Government presented a new white paper on Arctic policy on 27 November 2020. A short version is now available in English.
Fellesuttalelse om Arktisk råd: Canada, Finland, Island, Danmark, Norge, Sverige og USA gjenopptar arbeidet uten Russland
08.06.2022 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetSom følge av Russlands invasjon av Ukraina bestemte sju av de åtte arktiske statene 3. mars at Arktisk råd skulle ta en pause og stoppe all møtevirksomhet og utadvendt aktivitet. Vi gjenopptar nå prosjektarbeidet i Arktisk råd, uten russisk
Enighet om 105 millioner kroner til aktivitet og utvikling i Øst-Finnmark
07.06.2023 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor, Finansdepartementet, Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet, Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetRegjeringspartiene er blitt enige med SV på Stortinget om en aktivitetspakke for Øst-Finnmark på til sammen 105 millioner kroner i 2023. Midlene skal legge til rette for arbeidsplasser og et godt tilbud for folk i Øst-Finnmark.