
Nyheter, pressemeldinger, taler og artikler, personinformasjon med mer fra tidligere regjeringer og annet utdatert innhold finner du i Historisk arkiv.

  • Support to Improve Knowledge about Climate-related Peace and Security Risks

    15.03.2021 Artikkel Utenriksdepartementet

    To enhance our understanding of the impacts of climate-related peace and security risks, we need more knowledge and facts. Norway has initiated several research and analytical activities to this aim.

  • The Amazon Fund is re-activated

    02.01.2023 Nyhet Klima- og miljødepartementet

    Yesterday President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva was inaugurated as Brazil’s new president. On his very first day, he reconfirmed the new government’s ambitions to halt deforestation and he took the necessary steps to reopen the Amazon Fund.

  • Belgium and Norway will work closer on cross-border transport and storage of CO2

    24.04.2023 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor

    Today, Prime Ministers Alexander De Croo and Jonas Gahr Støre, met in Ghent as part of the enhanced Belgium-Norway dialogue and cooperation on climate, energy and industrial transformation, as agreed in February 2022. In preparation to the North Sea

  • Norwegian Global Emission Reduction Initiative

    06.12.2024 Brosjyre/veiledning Klima- og miljødepartementet

    Driving ambition through international carbon cooperation

  • Bergen Declaration

    Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, 20­21 March 2002Bergen, Norway

    05.07.2002 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    The Bergen Declaration Ministerial Declaration ( PDF) 170 kB Déclaration Ministerielle ( PDF) 170 kB Erklärung der Minister ( PDF) 1 120 kB Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea 20­21 March 2002 Bergen, Norway

  • Meld. St. 14 (2010–2011) Towards greener development

    08.04.2011 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Meld. St. 14 (2010-2011) Towards greener development: On a coherent environmental and development policy.

  • Progress Report to the 5th North Sea Conference

    Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, 20­21 March 2002

    20.02.2002 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    18.04.02 Progress Report Progress Report The Progress Report to the Fifth North Sea Conference Compilation of Submitted Inputs to the Progress Report In order to collect information for the Progress Report to the 5 th> North Sea Conference the

  • Norway’s fifth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity

    10.07.2014 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    The report presents information on status and trends for biodiversity in Norway, measures undertaken to implement the Convention since 2009, successes and remaining Challenges.

  • The Prime Minister's speech at the opening of Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) 2024

    26.08.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor

    - At the same time as we continue to provide energy security for our European friends, we will push forward the energy transition. From day one, the green transition has been on top of my agenda as Prime Minister. We aim to cut emissions from our

    Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Stavanger

  • Norway and the Age of Energy

    24.09.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor

    'We are transitioning out of oil, out of gas, out of fossil, and now into a new chapter. I emphasize transitioning, because this is complex; when energy sources shift, power shifts and politics shifts', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

    Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Columbia University, World Leaders Forum

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