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Viser 91-100 av 400 treff.
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Prop. 68 S (2009–2010) - Samtykke til å sette i kraft en overenskomst om opplysninger i skattesaker mellom Norge og Gibraltar, undertegnet i Paris 16. desember 2009
15.01.2010 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard
NOU 2001: 33 - Voldgift
Lov om voldgift (voldgiftsloven)
19.12.2001 NOU Justis- og beredskapsdepartementetNorge uten særskilt saksanlegg. 6 UNCITRAL modellov FN har et eget organ kalt «United Nations Commission on International Trade Law» (UNCITRAL) som befatter seg med internasjonal handelsrett. UNCITRAL ble dannet i 1966 og har som formål å fremme en harmonisering
Prop. 5 S (2014–2015) - Samtykke til å sette i kraft en avtale om utveksling av opplysninger i skattesaker mellom Norge og Hongkong SAR, undertegnet i Paris 22. august 2014
17.10.2014 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard
St.prp. nr. 15 (2002-2003) Særskilt vedlegg -
15.11.2002 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementetaccording to their origin, during storage. Identical and interchangeable materials means materials being of the same kind and commercial quality, possessing the same technical and physical characteristics, and which once they are incorporated into the finished
St.prp. nr. 74 (2008-2009) - Om samtykke til å sette i kraft en overenskomst om utveksling av opplysninger i skattesaker mellom Norge og Jersey, undertegnet i Helsingfors 28. oktober 2008, med tilleggsoverenskomster
29.05.2009 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard
Prop. 35 S (2009–2010) - Samtykke til å setje i kraft ein protokoll til endring av skatteavtala mellom Noreg og Belgia, underskriven i Brussel 10. september 2009
13.11.2009 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetadministration of that or of the other Contracting State; to supply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, commercial or professional secret or trade process, or information, the disclosure of which would be contrary to public policy (ordre
Prop. 137 S (2013–2014) - Samtykke til å sette i kraft en skatteavtale mellom Norge og Bulgaria, undertegnet i Sofia 22. juli 2014
19.09.2014 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard
St.prp. nr. 38 (2007-2008) - Om samtykke til å sette i kraft en overenskomst om utveksling av opplysninger i skattesaker mellom Norge og Isle of Man, undertegnet i Oslo 30. oktober 2007, med tilleggsoverenskomster
08.02.2008 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard
St.prp. nr. 73 (2008-2009) - Om samtykke til å sette i kraft en overenskomst om utveksling av opplysninger i skattesaker mellom Norge og Guernsey, undertegnet i Helsingfors 28. oktober 2008, med tilleggsoverenskomster
29.05.2009 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetmeans Guernsey, Alderney and Herm, including the territorial sea adjacent to those islands, in accordance with international law; «Norway» means the Kingdom of Norway, and includes the land territory, internal waters, the territorial sea and the area beyond
Prop. 122 S (2010–2011) - Samtykke til å setje i kraft ein overeinskomst mellom Kongeriket Noreg og Macaos Spesielle Administrative Region i Folkerepublikken Kina om opplysningar i skattesaker underskriven i Paris 29. april 2011
20.05.2011 Proposisjon Finansdepartementetbeyond the territorial sea where the Kingdom of Norway, according to Norwegian legislation and in accordance with international law, may exercise her rights with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources; the term does not comprise Svalbard