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Agreement Norway - British Virgin Islands for profits of associated enterprises
07.03.2016 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAgreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the British Virgin Islands on the access to mutual agreement procedures in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises.
Agreement Norway - Georgia
20.02.2012 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
Protocol Norway - Switzerland
15.03.2011 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocol between the Kingdom of Norway and the Swiss Confederation amending the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and on capital and the protocol, signed at Bern on 7 September 1987, as amended by the
Protocol Norway - Luxembourg
15.03.2011 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocole modifiant la Convention entre le Royaume de Norvège et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg tendant à éviter les doubles impositions et à prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu et sur la fortune, le Protocole final et le
Agreement Norway - Malawi
15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
Agreement Norway - Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis
15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
The Petroleum Taxation Act
03.05.2018 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAct of 13 June 1975 No. 35 relating to the Taxation of Subsea Petroleum Deposits, etc. (the Petroleum Taxation Act). Last amended by Act of 21 June 2013 No. 66.
Henry George Lecture at St. Johns University: Norway’s Historical Experience with Taxing & Regulating the Exploitation of Its Natural Resources
23.10.2024 Tale/innlegg FinansdepartementetLecture held by Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, at St. John University the 23 October 2024, New York, USA.
Høring - ny lov om Statens innkrevingssentral
07.07.2010 Høring FinansdepartementetHøringsfrist: 15.10.2010 Status: Ferdigbehandlet
St.prp. nr. 1 (1999-2000): Skatte-, avgifts- og tollvedtak -
24.09.1999 Proposisjon FinansdepartementetSt prp nr 1 (1999-2000) FOR BUDSJETTERMINEN 2000 Skatte-, avgifts- og tollvedtak Tilråding fra Finans- og tolldepartementet av 24. september 1999, godkjent i statsråd samme dag. Denne fagproposisjonen er lagret som PDF-fil. For å kunne lese disse