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Calling for urgent action to end hunger
12.06.2024 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetA champions call to scale up action to end hunger, was issued today by Norway, Brazil and Sierra Leone. The three countries are co-chairs in the Alliance of Champions for Food System Transformation. With Norway as host, a lunch was convened in Oslo
Joint statement on Afghanistan
29.12.2022 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetJoint statement from foreign ministers on the Taliban's ban on Afghan women working for national and international NGOs.
Nordic statement on the opening of the port of Ashdod and the Erez crossing 12 April 2024
12.04.2024 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetThe Nordic countries welcome the Israeli government’s announcement that life-saving humanitarian assistance to Gaza can be received in the port of Ashdod, that the Erez crossing will be reopened to facilitate entry to north Gaza, and that
Joint Statement on Increasing Violence in Myanmar
26.11.2021 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetThe following is the text of a joint statement signed by the governments of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Norway to provide NOK 1.7 billion in support to Syria
16.06.2023 Pressemelding Utenriksdepartementet‘The humanitarian situation in Syria remains critical and continues to deteriorate. Norway will provide approximately NOK 1.7 billion in support to assist those affected by war, earthquakes and a steep rise in food prices in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan
Statement on the earthquake in Morocco
09.09.2023 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet'Deeply saddened by the news about the tragic earthquake that has claimed hundreds of lives in Morocco. Thoughts are with the families and loved ones and to all those affected by this tragedy', Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said.
Norway to increase the support to Lebanon
20.12.2024 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet'Despite the ceasefire, the Lebanese population finds itself in a highly vulnerable situation. Many people are still internally displaced, and there is significant material destruction. This is why Norway has decided to increase the support to
Statsbudsjettet 2023: Prioriterer krisehåndtering, matsikkerhet og klimatilpasning
06.10.2022 Pressemelding UtenriksdepartementetÅrets budsjett er preget av krigen i Ukraina. Prioriterte områder er humanitær innsats, kampen mot sult og klimaendringer og styrket innsats for kvinners rettigheter. Regjeringen foreslår et samlet bistandsbudsjett på 43,8 milliarder kroner for 2023.
Tett samarbeid med de humanitære organisasjonene
01.05.2024 Nyhet Statsministerens kontor, Utenriksdepartementet- Norske humanitære organisasjoner gjør en avgjørende innsats for å redde liv, lindre nød og gi beskyttelse til mennesker som er rammet av væpnet konflikt og kriser. De gjør en viktig jobb i blant annet Gaza, Ukraina og Sudan. Og der de her, har de
Norge øker støtten til flomrespons i Myanmar
06.10.2024 Pressemelding UtenriksdepartementetMyanmar har de siste ukene blitt rammet av kraftig flom.