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St.prp. nr. 4 (2001-2002) - Om samtykke til ratifikasjon av en avtale med tilhørende vedlegg og protokoller mellom EFTA-statene og Republikken Kroatia, undertegnet i Vaduz 21. juni 2001 (frihandelsavtale)
26.10.2001 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementetsupport the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms, and recalling the principles of
Protocol Norway - South Africa
10.12.2012 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocol amending the Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income The Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the
Protocol Norway - Barbados
05.12.2011 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocol between the Kingdom of Norway and Barbados amending the Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and Barbados for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital signed at
St.prp. nr. 16 (2003-2004) - Om samtykke til ratifikasjon av en avtale med tilhørende vedlegg mellom EFTA-statene og Chile undertegnet i Kristiansand 26. juni 2003 (frihandelsavtale)
10.10.2003 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementetsustainable development; REAFFIRMING their commitment to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with their obligations under international law, including principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter
NOU 2006: 3 - Om markeder for finansielle instrumenter
Gjennomføring av MiFID og transparencydirektivet
21.02.2006 NOU Finansdepartementetacts transpose the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the Transparency Directive into Norwegian law. Fields of current law that are not affected by the two directives are by and large continued in the two proposals. The Committee’s starting
Agreement Norway - Uruguay
06.01.2012 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
Ot.prp. nr. 20 (2003-2004) - Om lov om endringer i luftfartsloven og om samtykke til at Norge tiltrer Montreal-konvensjonen av 28. mai 1999 om visse ensartede regler for internasjonal luftbefordring
28.11.2003 Proposisjon Justis- og beredskapsdepartementethereinafter referred to as the «Warsaw Convention», and other related instruments to the harmonization of private international air law; RECOGNIZING the need to modernize and consolidate the Warsaw Convention and related instruments; RECOGNIZING the importance
Convention Norway - Malta
26.06.2012 Artikkel Finansdepartementet -
St.prp. nr. 51 (2003-2004) - Om samtykke til ratifikasjon av Den internasjonale traktat om plantegenetiske ressurser for mat og jordbruk av 3. november 2001
02.04.2004 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementetlimit any rights that farmers have to save, use, exchange and sell farm-saved seed/propagating material, subject to national law and as appropriate. Part IV The Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing Article 10 Multilateral System of Access and
Prop. 157 S (2012-2013) - Samtykke til godkjennelse av protokoll av 30. mars 2012 om endring av WTO-avtalen om offentlige innkjøp av 15. april 1994
24.05.2013 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementetagree as follows: Article I Definitions For purposes of this Agreement: commercial goods or services means goods or services of a type generally sold or offered for sale in the commercial marketplace to, and customarily purchased by, nongovernmental buyers