
Nyheter, pressemeldinger, taler og artikler, personinformasjon med mer fra tidligere regjeringer og annet utdatert innhold finner du i Historisk arkiv.

  • Convention Norway - Turkey

    07.03.2016 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Turkey for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on Income.

  • Agreement Norway - Mauritius

    06.01.2012 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Mauritiuas Concerning the Exchange of Information Relating to Tax Matters

  • Agreement Norway - Bahrain

    05.12.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Bahrain concerning the exchange of information relating to tax matters.

  • Protocol Norway - Barbados

    05.12.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Protocol between the Kingdom of Norway and Barbados amending the Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and Barbados for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital signed at

  • Convention Norway - Australia

    31.05.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and Australia for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of fiscal evasion.

  • Brochure about the Norwegian Ministry of Finance

    08.11.2011 Brosjyre/veiledning Finansdepartementet

    The Ministry of Finance is headed by the Minister of Finance, who has overall responsibility for the Ministry’s work and who is aided by a political staff consisting of several state secretaries and a political adviser. Read more about the ministry

  • Prop. 1 LS (2018 – 2019) Taxes 2019

    08.10.2018 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Proposition to the Storting (bill and draft resolution) for the fiscal year 2019

  • Agreement Norway - Botswana

    23.04.2013 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

  • Agreement Norway - Guatemala

    20.06.2012 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

  • Agreement Norway - Monaco

    15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

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