
Nyheter, pressemeldinger, taler og artikler, personinformasjon med mer fra tidligere regjeringer og annet utdatert innhold finner du i Historisk arkiv.

  • Restrictions on the use of hazardous chemicals and other products

    28.06.2021 Artikkel

    Language requirement for the declaration of conformity. Declaration of conformity shall be in English or Norwegian. Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) § 2a.6 Regulations on restrictions on the use of

  • Studs on winter tires

    08.02.2021 Artikkel

    The technical requirements according to Directive 2007/46/EC are implemented through this regulation

  • St.meld. nr. 42 (1997-98): Summary in English -

    26.05.1998 Melding til Stortinget Kunnskapsdepartementet

  • Training of railway personnel

    16.03.2021 Artikkel

    Requirements for training of railway personnel with work tasks concerning safety

  • Business and industry in Norway - The building and construction industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of employees 115 200 Number of companies 34 090 Gross product in percentage 6,2 The building and construction sector comprises the construction and maintenance of houses and commercial buildings, and the development of roads, airports and

  • Fact Sheet 2003 Norwegian Petroleum Activity

    14.04.2003 Brosjyre/veiledning Energidepartementet

    Fact Sheet 2003 Norwegian Petroleum Activity The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes the Fact Sheet Norwegian Petroleum Activity annually. Most aspects of Norway's petroleum operations are presented. Here you will find an overview of fields

  • Foreign Minister talking to Israel’s Foreign Minister

    15.11.2023 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    'I spoke with Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen on the war between Israel and Hamas. Strongly condemned the heinous terror attack against Israel on 7 October. Expressed Norway’s concern for the situation in Gaza', said Foreign Minister Espen Barth

  • Norway will continue to contribute Norwegian forces in Lithuania

    10.07.2023 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor, Ministry of Defence

    The Norwegian Government has now decided to extend the participation of Norwegian forces in NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) in Lithuania until the end of 2024. Norway has participated in the eFP since it was first deployed in 2017, and is

  • Fourteen years since the outbreak of the war between Russia and Georgia

    08.08.2022 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    “The Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 marked the beginning of a new and more aggressive phase in Russia’s policy regarding its neighbouring countries and the European security architecture. As we are witnessing in Ukraine today, Russia has

  • Statement on the attack on the Rohingyas in 2017

    26.08.2022 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet

    It is now 5 years since the attack on the Rohingyas forcing over 700,000 to seek refuge in Bangladesh. We remember the victims and call on the military regime to cease all violence against those who have suffered under its rule. Perpetrators must be

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