NORDEFCO Ministerial Meeting in Copenhagen 21. November 2024

Joint decleration from Nordic Ministers of Defence.

Today, the Nordic Ministers of Defence met in Copenhagen to discuss how to further strengthen Nordic defence cooperation (NORDEFCO) and take stock of the progress made under the Danish Chairmanship in 2024.

Russia’s aggressive behavior and its aggression against Ukraine remains a serious and  long-term threat to Nordic, European and Global security. Against this backdrop, the Ministers agreed that Nordic defence cooperation stands stronger than ever before. Progress has been made in further developing Nordic defence cooperation in support of NATO's collective deterrence and defence.

The Ministers welcomed the enhanced cooperation at both the policy and military level, including the development of a roadmap for the implementation of NORDEFCO’s Vision 2030. Further concrete steps have been taken to enhance operational cooperation between the Nordic countries with the signing of the Nordic Defence Concept and the Letter of Intent on promoting the availability of Nordic airspace for NATO activities.

 At the meeting, the Ministers endorsed initiatives to ramp up Nordic ammunition production and to initiate a Nordic cooperation on unmanned aerial systems. The Ministers also signed a Letter of Intent to express their commitment to the establishment of harmonized military corridors between the Nordic countries in order to move military forces rapidly and efficiently by land, air and sea. Initiatives that will also contribute to ongoing work in both EU and NATO.

The Ministers look forward to further strengthening military cooperation in the coming years in the framework of Joint Force Command Norfolk in support of NATO's regional efforts. The Ministers underlined the importance of the transatlantic relationship and delivering on NATO’s capability targets, including where possible through multinational solutions.

The Nordic Ministers of Defence met with Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Rustem Umerov, and emphasized the importance of continued and enhanced support to ensure Ukraines ability to defend itself, to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and deter Russian aggression in the future.

Finally, the Nordic Defence Ministers underlined the importance of Nordic cross-government cooperation on civil preparedness and total defence in support of NATO's deterrence and defence.  The Ministers welcomed that the Nordic ministers responsible for civil preparedness and protection will have the issue high on their agenda at their upcoming Ministerial in Oslo.



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