Food supplements
Artikkel | Sist oppdatert: 02.02.2021
National maximum limits for folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D in food supplements.Particular requirements for labelling of food supplements containing specific amounts of folic acid, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D per daily portion.
§ 4 and appendix 1 (vedlegg 1):
National maximum limits for folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D per daily per daily portion of consumption as recommended by the manufacturer. Separate maximum limits for young children from 1 and up to 3 years old, children from 3 and up to 11 years old, adolescents from 11 and up to 18 years old, and adults from 18 years old.
§ 7a -7d: Particular requirements for labelling of food supplements containing specific amounts of vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin C and calcium per daily portion, respectively.