Portable fire extinguisher
Artikkel | Sist oppdatert: 25.03.2021
The regulation apply to obligations for: anyone to exercise caution in the event of flammable activity, owners and users of buildings to prevent fire, municipalities to prevent fires, those who sell portable fire extinguishing equipment.
A portable fire extinguisher can only be sold if it is in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 10th October 2017 No. 1631 on pressure equipment and NS-EN 3-7 or another standard that sets equal requirements for functionality and efficiency.
Portable extinguishing equipment that is not in accordance with NS-EN 3-7 or another standard that sets equal requirements for functionality and efficiency, shall be marked in Norwegian with the fact that it has limited extinguishing capacity and that it cannot replace mandatory manual extinguishing equipment according to § 7. Portable fire extinguishers that are in accordance with NS-EN 3-7 or another standard that sets equivalent requirements for functionality and efficiency, and which are not covered by § 7 letter b) to e) shall be marked accordingly.