State ownership in numbers

Overview of state ownership as of 31.12.2021. The data can be found in The State Ownership Report 2021.

Ole Jørgen Bratland
Foto: Ole Jørgen Bratland

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Overview of the State's direct ownership

The data presented below, including the categorization of the companies, is from The State Ownership Report 2021. Note that the companies, see Report to the Storting (white paper) no. 6 (2022-2023) Greener and more active state ownership - The State's direct ownership of companies, now are divided into two categories based on the State’s goal as owner.

The State Ownership Report 2021 can be found here.

Key figures 2021

Overview of the State's direct ownership 2021

Companies in category 1 and 2

Companies in category 1 and 2

Companies in category 3

Companies in category 3