NORA kick-off
Artikkel | Sist oppdatert: 09.04.2019 | Digitaliserings- og forvaltningsdepartementet
Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) 1. april 2019
- Program for NORA kick-off
- Presentasjon av NORA (engelsk)
- Introduction to the Tsetlin machine (CAIR, UiA)
- Learning efficient data representation (Simula)
- Deep learning in medical applications (UiS)
- Learning Bayesian networks (UiB)
- Snow avalanche detection in SAR images using CNNs (NORCE)
- Intelligent life and environmental sciences driven by machine learning and robotics (NMBU)
- Recent advances in AI and machine learning @ OsloMet AI lab
- Volatile multiple smart CPS (UiT)
- Robots and mobile apps solving problems better with AI (ROBIN, UiO)