Åpent seminar: Motstandskraften til demokratier i en tid med tilbakegang
Artikkel | Sist oppdatert: 05.03.2025 | Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet, Utenriksdepartementet
Er de europeiske demokratiene godt nok rustet til å møte dagens utfordringer?
Motstandskraften til demokratier i en tid med tilbakegang

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Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet og Utenriksdepartementet inviterer til en åpen demokratifrokost for å belyse og diskutere hvordan vi kan sikre demokratiets motstandsdyktighet i møte med trusler som desinformasjon, hatytringer og trusler mot politikere.
Anledningen er at Europarådets generalsekretær, Alain Berset, besøker Norge for å diskutere demokratiets tilstand og utfordringer i Europa. Europarådet spiller en viktig rolle i å bevare og videreutvikle demokrati, rettstat og menneskerettigheter i Europa.
Praktisk informasjon:
Dato: 25. mars 2025
Tidspunkt: 09:00 – 10:30 (frokost serveres fra kl. 08:30)
Sted: Domus Bibliotheca, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo
Servering: Frokost og kaffe/te
Registrering: Vennligst benytt skjemaet nederst på nettsiden
Påmeldingsfrist: 20. mars 2025
08:30: frokost/lett servering
09:00: Velkommen, Kjersti Stenseng, kommunal- og distriktsminister.
Introduksjon til konferansen, ordstyrer Tine Mørch Smith, ekspedisjonssjef, Utenriksdepartementet.
En blomst i ørkenen? Demokratiets tilstand i Norge og globalt, professor Carl Henrik Knutsen, Universitetet i Oslo.
Hvordan utvikle motstandskraften til de europeiske demokratiene? Alain Berset, generalsekretær i Europarådet.
Paneldiskusjon: Hvordan styrke demokratiene mot nye trusler?
- Kjersti Stenseng, kommunal- og distriktsminister
- Bente Kalsnes, professor ved Institutt for kommunikasjon, Høyskolen Kristiania
- Ola Svenneby, leder av Unge Høyre
- Anders Ravik Jupskås, direktør ved Senter for ekstremismeforskning (C-REX) ved Universitetet i Oslo
Avslutning ved Tine Mørch Smith, ekspedisjonssjef, Utenriksdepartementet.
Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk.
For å melde deg på frokostmøtet, vennligst fyll inn feltene nedenfor og klikk «send inn». Registrering er ikke nødvendig dersom du skal følge seminaret digitalt.
Introduction of Speakers
Secretary General Alain Berset
Alain Berset is the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, a position he has held since September 18, 2024. Prior to that, Mr Berset was an elected Minister in the Swiss government (Federal Council) between 2012 and 2023. Mr Berset also served twice as President of the Swiss Confederation (2018 and 2023).
Minister Kjersti Stenseng
Kjersti Stenseng is Minister of Local Government and Regional Development. The Ministry has among other things the responsibility for the conduction of election, for local democracy and local-self-government, local government finances, housing policy and Sami and minority affairs.
Professor Bente Kalsnes
Bente Kalsnes is professor at the Department of Communication, Kristiania University College. Her research interests include political communication, political use of social media, digital journalism, platform power, fake news, disinformation and AI. She was member of the Expert Group on artificial intelligence and elections, appointed by the Norwegian government (2024-2025), and has previously been member of the Freedom of Expression Commission, appointed by the Norwegian government (2020-2022).
Director Anders Ravik Jupskås
Anders Ravik Jupskås is the director at the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) at the University of Oslo. His research focuses on right-wing extremism, political mobilization and threats against liberal democratic institutions. He holds a PhD in political science from 2015 from the University of Oslo.
Professor Carl Henrik Knutsen
Carl Henrik Knutsen is professor and research group leader at the Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo, and research professor at the Peace Research Institute (PRIO). He is one of the Project Managers of the Varieties of Democracy Project (V-Dem), The Assessment of the Norwegian Democracy Project, and several others research project, among them about regime changes and politics in autocracies.
Politician Ola Svenneby
Ola Svenneby is the current leader of the Young Conservatives (Unge Høyre) in Norway, a position he has held since October 3, 2020. Svenneby is also a deputy representative to the Norwegian Parliament for the Hedmark constituency from 2021 to 2025.
Director General, Tine Mørch Smith
Tine Mørch Smith is the current Director General of the Department for Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Norway. She has extensive experience in international diplomacy, having previously served as Norway's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva.
Secretary General Alain Berset
Alain Berset is the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, a position he has held since September 18, 2024. Prior to that, Mr Berset was an elected Minister in the Swiss government (Federal Council) between 2012 and 2023. Mr Berset also served twice as President of the Swiss Confederation (2018 and 2023).
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