Historisk arkiv

Environment and security

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

Environment and Security

Perspectives on the Role of Environment in Conflict and Peace-Building

Open seminar: 8 December 2004
Gamle Festsal (Domus Academica), Karl Johansgt. 47, Oslo

Chair: Eva Bratholm


Opening Address

  • Environment - Basis for Peace and Strategy for Development
    Norwegian Minister for the Environment, Knut Arild Hareide


Concepts of security

  • The Politics of Security-Definitions
    Ole Jacob Sending, Senior Research Fellow, NUPI


Environment and Conflict

  • The Case for a Green Peace Prize
    David B.Sandalow, Environment Scholar at The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
  • Are the Environment and Conflict Links Overrated?
    Astri Suhrke, Senior researcher, CMI
  • Early Warning and Post-Conflict-Perspectives in Peacebuilding
    Pekka Haavisto, Director of the UNEP Post-conflict-unit, Genève
  • Ecological Security
    Øystein Dahle, Chairman, World Watch Institute




Climate and Security

  • How Well Can We Predict the Unpredictable Climate?
    Olav Orheim, Director of Norwegian Polar Institute

Samantha Smith, Director, WWF
Erling Kvernevik, Head of Relief Management, Norwegian Red Cross


Resource Management for Peaceful Development

  • Good Governance of Resources
    Olav Kjørven, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Water and Security
    Hans Olav Ibrekk, Senior adviser, NORAD
  • Forests and Rights
    Lars Løvold, Director, Rainforest Foundation Norway


Panel Discussion

  • The Importance of Environment for Security
    David Sandalow, Astri Suhrke, Olav Orheim, Ole Jacob Sending, Mark Taylor (FAFO)


Closing Remarks

(Program subject to adjustments)