Historisk arkiv

A pro-active Norwegian gas sector

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet

Press release

No.: 82E/02
Date: 28.06.2002

Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09

A pro-active Norwegian gas sector

- The government is undertaking changes that will ensure an efficient gas management in a centenary perspective. The changes fit the on-going liberalisation of the European gas market, and give producers on the Norwegian continental shelf an opportunity for a pro-active strategy in this market, says Mr. Einar Steensnæs Minister of Petroleum and Energy.

- Norwegiangas is now being sold individually by the companies. The government aims at a more efficient production and transportation of natural gas so producers on the shelf can take advantage of market opportunities on the continent and in Great Britain, says the Minister.

The establishment of Gassco AS ensures neutral and efficient operation and development of the gas transportation system. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy actively oversees Gassco.

The licensees have agreed on the conditions for establishing a uniform ownership structure for the gas transportation system on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). All rich and dry gas facilities that today are, or soon will be, used by third parties are included in the new uniform ownership structure. A uniform organisation of the gas transportation activities, also regarding ownership, will have positive effects on the operation and development of the gas transportation system.

The abolishment of the Gas Negotiation Committee (the GFU) system and the implementation of the provisions in the gas market directive necessitate adjustments to the current system for capacity management in gas pipelines and transport-related installations. In addition, a uniform ownership structure facilitates the establishment of a streamlined capacity managment system that will contribute to a more efficient utilisation and development of the transportation system. Based on this, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is currently formulating new regulations on principles for access to pipelines and tariffs. The Ministry will supervise the capacity management and have the option to intervene in order to ensure the maintenance of a sound resource management.

Based on resource estimates, the NCS could supply the gas markets for the entire century. In 2001, the Norwegian gas sales totalled 50.5 billion cubic metres (BCM), which constitutes about 12 percent of the European consumption. Norwegian producers have committed sales for more than 80 BCM annually from 2008. Gas sales of about 100 BCM/year are feasible in the longer term, but future gas sales will depend on the individual companies' commercial assessments, resource availability, cost structure development on the NCS, and the development of the European gas market in general.